Friday, April 29, 2011

The Farm Elisha Cooper

The Farm 
By Elisha Cooper 
Orchard Books An Imprint of Scholastic

I love this book. The illustrations are beautifully and simply draw.  When I first saw it at the library I had to grab it. It was so enticing. The beautiful water colors were just the kind of illustrations I love. After reading the book I found that the story was as wonderful as the illustrations. In the beginning the barn is described - "Dust covers everything: shovels and buckets, swallow nests and spiderwebs, a toy tractor, a chair with three legs, the handprints of the girl and boy in the concrete floor. Even the barn cats are dusty." Such nice imagery. I felt like I was standing in the center of the barn a looking all the way around.

The illustrations continue to get better through the book. They give a wonderful feel of a real farm. Cooper said she wrote the book because children's books do not depict a realistic view of farm life. People on farms grow food. Not these cutesy pie animals. This book is a wonder real version of farm life. The book goes through the season on a farm. And every time period: "On the farm, even when it is dark, so animal is always awake." On my list of great books. Written and illustrated beautifully.