Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thing 23

I really liked the Duke University students comic book. I found it helpful in understanding all this stuff. I also learned just how complicated it all is. I was surprised by how much many of the musicians, etc asked for use of their work. And while reading this I thought this is crazy. Like the main character, what has happened to artists? Are we all so greedy? But thinking about it I came to the conclusion that it isn't all that simple. This is complicated and there are people who do things unfairly. And, I know from close friends, that students today do not respect or understand the idea of taking from the internet and using as your own work. It is shocking how lightly this subject is taken. So the more I think about it, this should be taken seriously. The internet and computers makes it so easy to plug in other people's hard work into your own.

I have certainly learned that as a teacher I must be careful. I will have to look for this creative commons license. And I also have to not be afraid to ask for permission. It is true that I never really thought to hard about this before now. As an English major many years ago it was the sin of all sins to take another writers work and put it in your paper. I am a bit horrified at how easily people do it so openly, get caught and think nothing of it. I had not transferred this idea to pictures and music before now. It is stealing from another person. As a teacher I think it is important to model the correct use of other people's work - even if it means my work is not quite as cool as it could have been. The idea that I had to modify is a teaching and learning moment too.

*Note: This project is loosely based upon the website 43Things (which allows you to set and track personal goals) and the Stephen Abram article titled 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006).


Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachersis based on Learning 2.0 - 23 Things, a staff development program for theMesquite Independent School District. That program was based on the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers and adapted by the California School Library Association and others. Content and style for Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers has been borrowed and duplicated with permission, under a Creative Commons License.

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