I had a flickr account years ago. I used it to put up pictures of my kids for their grandparents. The truth is I put the photos up and never really explored the site. While doing the tutorial - which I never did - I made a Flickr badge for my blog. I really liked that - and it was so easy. I need to upload a few current photos to it. Flickr tells me that I am nearing the 200 limit and I need to upgrade to flickr pro - this costs $24 a year. At this point I have moved on to Shutterfly - which is easier for the grandparents to use so I probably won't do that. But it is nice to see those old photos again.
The thing I was most excited about so far is the Commons, Places and the Galleries. That is so amazing! These photos can be so much help to a teacher. I could spend a lot of time in the commons. I found this garden photo from the Smithsonian from 1930. It doesn't look like a real place! Looks more like a movie, but it is California, so may be it was.
Arcady [slide]
Originally uploaded by Smithsonian Institution
I found other images that were so beautiful, but I was unable to share them here. I tried looking through the groups. There is so much there it is overwhelming. I ended up looking through the paper fetish group. I love collage type art - and I hoped to find something interesting. There was some people who were selling things - I think. Kindle covers which, though nice, were not what i was looking for. I did find this nice one from czekocyna. It is a bit Valentine's-ish. I found it hard to get these photos in my blog. I did the first one with the blog it feature, but I wanted to second one to go into this post. Not as easy. So I just copied the HTLM code and put it in the blog. Just like the old days.
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