Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thing #10

I waste a tremendous amount of time checking for updates on my favorite sites. I try to use bookmarks. I have tons of folders of stuff tucked here and there. But some of those things are never updated. They just exist. It is a very, very inefficient, mixed up system. I waste time constantly and it drives me crazy. But I am addicted to my sources - I cannot just give it all up. I was just thinking the other day "if only there was a way to make my own webpage where all this junk got dumped and I could just roll through it quickly here and there all day." Ask and you shall receive - here it is the RSS. How did I miss this? I think I was too lazy to check into it, read about it or learn how to do it. Not that it was all that hard, but it takes more time!! And I was already wasting to much on my computer. I also assumed it was to high powered to be of use for me.

I went ahead and made a google one with the usual ones I check. It turns out that I have a RSS automatically through my yahoo account so when I hit that little RSS button it goes straight to my yahoo email "frontpage." This is what yahoo has been bugging me to create - I ignored them. I regret that now. Could have saved me tons of time. I will see what I like best - truthfully, so far, I like the yahoo set up. This may be because I have had my email account there for years, and all the features and designs in yahoo are familiar. I am going to give google a chance, though. All the coolest, smartest people I know swear by google, so I feel like I might be missing something.

Since starting this class I have come across tons of blogs and the like that I think "Oh! I have to watch that. What they are saying is interesting, important, creative, inspiring, etc.." But where do I put this - I started putting a couple on the "blogs I follow" feature on this blog so I could find them quickly and easily. Also I have made many bookmarks. They get lost in the jumble of all the websites I bookmark. This is so much better. This could be so helpful to a teacher - who has time to check all this stuff!! Certainly not teachers. I love that all my favs will be on one page. I know this is something that will help me in my personal life, student life, and will some day help me in my teaching life.

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