Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thing 17 could be a huge help to teachers. Like the tutorial said there are huge amounts of sites out there and it is totally overwhelming. Doing my Unit Plan and Lesson Plans for 5501 I have found tons of stuff I think "wow! that is awesome." I bookmark it and think - gosh I hope I can find that again in that black hole of a bookmark section I have. Sometimes I can find things, but really I have to remember they are there. THis does not always happen, so having the tags would be huge. Having all the worksheet ideas for math, language arts, social studies, or science put together and divided into subsections sounds like a huge time saver and mind saver. The sharing function would also be beyond helpful. Why re-invet all these searches. You know that other teachers who have been teaching longer have done the leg work, borrow from them. Another time saver and mind saver.

After reading about the site I created an account - immediately. My bookmarks are a mess. I find so many useful things, bookmark them, and then spend forever looking for them or forget they exist. I love the idea of tagging them and organizing them like in a file cabinet. That seems so much more useful then my current system - which is more black hole-ish. I also liked the idea of going through other people's bookmarks. Help with research! Awesome. Also a huge time saver. This might be my favorite "thing" yet. I am a bit of a hoarder - not like those people on tv, but I like to keep things "just in case." I have too many bookmarks and folders, etc. It is an unhelpful mess. All these sites I "keep" might be helpful, but I cannot find them or don't remember them. Maybe this will organizing can continue into my house. I would love to get things nicely organized there like my new bookmark site.

I see huge potential for this being helpful in the classroom. It can be neatly organized - even divided into units. A click of the button you are at the sites you need to show examples, print worksheets, get information. I can also see borrowing from other teachers and building upon or incorporating other ideas into what you have.
yep, I am sure after working with my new site - it is my favorite.

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